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  1. Aduiavas Ida

    S2E3 "What Might Be" -- w/ Book Spoilers

    I think Liandrin does in the series what Elaida does in the books. Personally handle the ones she think is interesting and train them, like Elaida did with Siuan and Moiraine in New Spring. I think she genuinly wanted Nynaeve to pass the test, but also wanted to be the strongest influence on...
  2. Aduiavas Ida

    S2E3 "What Might Be" -- w/ Book Spoilers

    There hadn't been any mention of him at all until that point in the letter though. Bending of words... I'm not sure if they will merge her with Alviarin, but I think they will either drop Galina, or blend her with Liandrin. It all depends on whether the 13 Black Sisters will leave after Falme...
  3. Aduiavas Ida

    S2E3 "What Might Be" -- w/ Book Spoilers

    Yes, it was perfectly executed with the Seanchan genuinly believing they are the good guys. The Voice sounded like she was welcoming children to a gathering, all the while the damane pointing seemingly at random girls and they are taken with no explanation.
  4. Aduiavas Ida

    S2E3 "What Might Be" -- w/ Book Spoilers

    What the third arch did for Nynaeve is to show her that even in her perfect world with the people she love, they can't ignore what's currently happening in the world around them. There is no escape for them.
  5. Aduiavas Ida

    S2E3 "What Might Be" -- w/ Book Spoilers

    Everything with Selene and Rand is strange and confusing. Not touching that until I've seen more.
  6. Aduiavas Ida

    S2E3 "What Might Be" -- w/ Book Spoilers

    As for the Seanchan, I am slightly confused. Are the Shienarans going straight towards Toman Head this time? That is, presuming everyone ends up in Falme by the end of the season, or maybe just at some point. Poor Uno :( So short time spent with my favourite Shienaran :(
  7. Aduiavas Ida

    S2E3 "What Might Be" -- w/ Book Spoilers

    First off, I got chills from that Accepteds test intro. Just like from the books, and thus also close to how we do live Raisings here on the site. The arches were perfect in design and look. How they got activated looked awesome :D They fooled me with her third test. I thought it actually...