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  1. Aduiavas Ida

    How do you expect seasons will go?

    No, I think the first book needs to be one season. But the second book can be a little bit shortened, they chase after that Horn for quite a while :look
  2. Aduiavas Ida

    How do you expect seasons will go?

    I think the first three books are good as one season each. They have a beginning, middle part, and a dramatic end.
  3. Aduiavas Ida

    How do you expect seasons will go?

    I think that is one of the things that will be cut as well. :\
  4. Aduiavas Ida

    How do you expect seasons will go?

    Oh yes, that too. I think that the Sea Folk can be trimmed a lot too, if not dropped in its entirety...
  5. Aduiavas Ida

    How do you expect seasons will go?

    Yeah, that could work. Berelain really don't need to go on that journey at all :look
  6. Aduiavas Ida

    How do you expect seasons will go?

    They could actually drop that altogether and it wouldn't derail the story too much :look
  7. Aduiavas Ida

    How do you expect seasons will go?

    Yes, I suspect minor plots, like Morgase arc will most likely be dropped. And Perrin vs Shaido would not be harmed by being shortened.
  8. Aduiavas Ida

    How do you expect seasons will go?

    I agree that the books can easily be a season each. The first three at least, have a very clear beginning, middle and climatic end part. After that, it is more continous. And book 8-9-10 can probably easily be shortened.