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  1. L

    I really appreciate that RJ makes a point to name and keep up with horses

    Any horse that a main character has for any length of time is named and they are creative names too. You can tell that RJ liked horses and is knowledgeable about them. I'm 8 books in, and Bella is still around and she's been on quite the adventure. It just makes me really happy when books...
  2. L

    Theories thus far (book 7 spoilers)

    More of a personal theory than a plot theory, Tam Al'Thor could have been taught to channel. His "Flame and Void" technique has been crucial to Rand. The True Power has been mentioned a few times. I think that possibly the True Power was split to make the One Power possible for humans to...
  3. L

    Hello Everyone

    I am new to the Wheel of Time Series. I am currently working through book 4. Currently my favorite main character is Rand. My favorite secondary character is Elaine. I am listening to the audiobooks so please forgive any name spellings. @Ajailyn Morrivinna Introduced me to this community...