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  1. L

    May '24 - Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Awareness

    My mother-in-law had EDS and my best friend has it as well. I hope that more research will lead to better treatments and improved quality of life.
  2. L

    I really appreciate that RJ makes a point to name and keep up with horses

    Any horse that a main character has for any length of time is named and they are creative names too. You can tell that RJ liked horses and is knowledgeable about them. I'm 8 books in, and Bella is still around and she's been on quite the adventure. It just makes me really happy when books...
  3. L

    Question about the White and Brown Ajah's

    Browns are Librarians, middle school science teachers, that one tenured professor with an overstuffed office. Whites are your lawyers, math professors, etc. Browns are ADHD, whites are autistic. (coming from an AuDHDer)
  4. L

    Discussion about Moiraine (Spoilers for Book 5 and onwards)

    I also don't think she is dead. No body = not dead. I didn't catch the use of "gone" instead of "dead" but Aies Sedai can't lie so....
  5. L

    WoT audiobooks

    I am audio book exclusively. I fell in love with Michael Kramers narration when I listened to mistborn so listening to WOT with him as a narrator is amazing. My only audiobook complaint is that some pronunciations change from one book to the next. They are consistent within the book, but it's...
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    Slightly controversial thread about Rand

    I think it's important to remember that rand is 18-19 at the start of the series. He's a small town teenage boy suddenly being told he has to save the world. He has very suddenly become aware of a world beyond the Two Rivers and now he's being pushed and prodded and hunted. I feel like its very...
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    Theories thus far (book 7 spoilers)

    More of a personal theory than a plot theory, Tam Al'Thor could have been taught to channel. His "Flame and Void" technique has been crucial to Rand. The True Power has been mentioned a few times. I think that possibly the True Power was split to make the One Power possible for humans to...
  8. L

    Hello Everyone

    I am new to the Wheel of Time Series. I am currently working through book 4. Currently my favorite main character is Rand. My favorite secondary character is Elaine. I am listening to the audiobooks so please forgive any name spellings. @Ajailyn Morrivinna Introduced me to this community...