Search results

  1. Thaddius al'Guy

    Congrats to Katherine and Alenya!

  2. Thaddius al'Guy

    In which a whole heap of us re-read Wheel of Time

    It was sort of one of those things that got eventually ret-conned, I think.
  3. Thaddius al'Guy

    Hi, I'm Bryce!

    I'm Thad.
  4. Thaddius al'Guy

    Congrats Idine and Rhyin!

    Color me shocked. Congrats!
  5. Thaddius al'Guy

    Congratulations, Kallarn Lo'Vosh Gaidin of Val'Cueran!

    Two in a day? It is a good day. :vc1::vc2: Congrats!
  6. Thaddius al'Guy

    Welcome to the Ring, Accepted Ruslan!

    Good on ya, bruv.
  7. Thaddius al'Guy

    Congratulations, Estelyn Sedai!

    Congrats, Estelyn.
  8. Thaddius al'Guy

    [Closed] Hiring: Company Commander of VC: Applications Due Feb. 17

    Thanks bro, we should get a beer some time.
  9. Thaddius al'Guy

    Congratulations, Soldier Dorian!

    Congrats, d00d.
  10. Thaddius al'Guy

    So where on earth is all the merch????!?!?!?!

    We've got a lot of neat jewelry, but I feel like Men's choices for merch for the show is rather lacking. Posters, clothing, anything. I'm still rather sour we don't have a lot of options still.
  11. Thaddius al'Guy

    Congratulations to our new Digital Producer!

    How am I only just now learning about this?
  12. Thaddius al'Guy

    In which a whole heap of us re-read Wheel of Time

    New year, new re-read? I don't know if I have it in me this year to do another one I've re-read the whole dang thing seven times in the last 6 years. I'll probably loosely follow along though. I'm always strongest up until CoT/KoD, but am weakest in those books through Towers of Midnight for...
  13. Thaddius al'Guy

    Discussion Topic: Sharing Domestic Violence Survivor Stories

    You know, I'm not sure I've ever actually told anyone this in full.Only in parts over the years.
  14. Thaddius al'Guy

    Welcome to the Ring, Accepted Dianna!

    Congrats Dianna!