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  1. M

    The Song

    Ok. For a minute here I thought there was a specific passage at the end of AMoL that I totally missed. Thank you for clarification!
  2. M

    The Song

    I don't know how I missed it, but I clearly did and I don't have the book in front of me to find it... When did Rand find the song?? How on Earth did I miss this??? Can someone refresh my memory please?
  3. M

    The trap I never expected Jordan(son) to step into! [SPOILERS!]

    When Egwene uses this same weave on a much smaller scale earlier on to fill in the cracks that appear in the ground, this was a hint to me that somehow it would be used to counter the effects of balefire. I didn't know on what scale, and definitely didn't know Egwene would die as a result, but...
  4. M

    *Spoilers* AMoL Ending Theory Discussion

    I don't really think its the Dark One who is "taking" away peoples' choices. It's people who are doing that by forcing them with channeling.