Lunara al'Kiera

I am a fanatic of the WoT. I own all of the book and have read them all multiple times. I am currently reading through them again. I found this site by accident and so far, really like it.

I hope that the avatar I picked isn't already in use. I am a natural redhead (though I usually dye my hair black) and I am wanting to use a redheaded avatar. My blood is Irish and the call of Ireland is strong to me. I am trying to find a Celtic image that isn't in use. I hope this one will work. If someone is already using it, please let me know and I will change it right away.
I am pagan and I think that one reason that I love the WoT series is because of the elemental tones of it. I work with the natural elements around me so the channeling in WoT seems to draw me. I don't know if that makes sense but I'm not sure how else to explain it. I hope that my bio doesn't offend anyone. If I have said something inappropriate, please let me know so I can change it.

Blessed Be to all.

Reading, studying, practicing martial arts and blade work, teaching my pagan class, blogging
Sep 28, 1984 (Age: 39)
Citizen of Tar Valon


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