Recent content by Lucie al'Cathay

  1. Lucie al'Cathay

    Al'Naito (soundtrack)

    I found a transcription on Reddit by Oliver_the_Dragon (one of our sisters or ashamans perhaps?), and I tried to translate it into Chinese as well. Old Tongue: No ca’aven sa’ta’i aldieb Isain shai Sorinde machin’de obiyar Isain cha Trans: The westwind calls me most truly I am a woman I stand...
  2. Lucie al'Cathay

    Greetings from China!

    Thank you!!!
  3. Lucie al'Cathay

    Greetings from China!

  4. Lucie al'Cathay

    Greetings from China!

    Thank you all for your warm welcome! (& thank myself for finally getting to use multiquote LOL)
  5. Lucie al'Cathay

    Greetings from China!

    Thank you Delara !
  6. Lucie al'Cathay

    Greetings from China!

    Thank you Lyndo :)
  7. Lucie al'Cathay

    Greetings from China!

    I'm exploring the forums and library, there's so much to do for a novice LOL Thanks you and Linkelivar for your guidance, I think I'll get started from this OT class~
  8. Lucie al'Cathay

    Greetings from China!

    Yeah I'm still here :) I visit the forums regularly, not everyday though.
  9. Lucie al'Cathay

    Greetings from China!

    WOW!!! Thank you so much!
  10. Lucie al'Cathay

    Greetings from China!

    Dear sisters, I'm so happy and excited to become a member of Tar Varlon. I'm a freelance translator based in China (Mandarin-French-English), and I've been reading WoT for 10 years. At first I read the Chinese version and got totally chanted by the story after reading The Great Hunt. Then I...