Recent content by kyloran storm

  1. K

    Couples (whole book spoiler)

    I saw this coming, if only because I cheated and looked on the online theories before I finished and got spoiled. But it does make sense, there is alot of foreshadowing for this in the beginning. More than for some of the other things that happen, at least. Like for example the Arthurs Hawking's...
  2. K

    Why I think the Seanchan should lose a stand up fight.

    I think Aviendha's visions are true in the regard of the Seanchan being able to take over the world. First I think there are a lot more seanchan channelers than in Randland. Ya, maybe only 1/4 of them are being used, but the Seanchan conteinet is three times bigger than Randland, so they would...
  3. K

    Memory of Light- Chapter 2 Spoilers

    Ya, I dont think Logan got turned either. It seams like he has been heavily recruiting and keeping his recruits away from the black tower. I thought him and Rand had 1000 Asha man not involved with the black tower at all. Proof: Rand can gather 100 un tainted (by the black tower) asha men...
  4. K

    Which scene in the books do you wish you could *see?*

    Spoiler from ToM, but I though it was so powerful it has to be mentioned. a picture of Perrin forging his epic hammer would be awesome! I also like from the same book when the last armies come onto the Fields of Merrior (or whatever) and the total force for the light includes hundreds of...
  5. K

    Memory of Light Prologue - Spoilers

    Re: By Grace and Banners Fallen (as there is no aMoL section yet) SPOILER: (although that is obvious by the page title) I loved it. I was not that interested in Talmanes before, but now I am and hope he lives. I did read the first chapter, so I think I know what happens to him, but that is not...
  6. K

    Favorite Moment from the Books 1-11

    This is not from the first 11 books, it is from ToM, and I don't know how to use a spoiler tag but- SPOILER- [spoiler:1twlcpop]When the armies gather in the north to face the DO, and I was just awed by the hundreds of thousands of solders from all over, Tar Valon to the Two Rivers to Tear. It...