Recent content by Gwynne

  1. Gwynne


    Greetings. /wave :)
  2. Gwynne

    Like a Boomerang!

    Hullo and welcome back. My child is furry and has 4 legs and a tail, but I've nephews, so -- know how it can be. As for more things for bribes -- if you're really on a sofa, reach between the cushions; sure you'll find some other things to bargain for in there (amongst the stale pretzels and...
  3. Gwynne

    Hi everyone!

    Glad to meet you. :)
  4. Gwynne

    Hello My name is Nimmwaee!

    I've been in a few musicals, both on stage and in the pit. Think the 'funniest' one was me as Aunt Eller in Oklahoma. It can be rewarding; scary, but rewarding. Hope you start reading them soon -- they will take up a lot of time as you get hooked, but they are worth it.
  5. Gwynne

    Helllo everyone!

    Hello and welcome.
  6. Gwynne

    The Wheel spun me into the Pattern again

    Welcome back. You have my envy at being able to go to Dragon*Con. :) I'm an aspiring writer as well, and from my coloring I guess you'd put me smack in the Two Rivers or some Andor farmland (good thing, too, since I've had a horse from down the road in my flowerbeds more than once ;) )...
  7. Gwynne


    Don't think I've read anything by Meredith Ann Pierce; I'll have a look. I've read some things by Garth Nix, but not those, I think. I first started his things as 'riding the bus home from DC every day' thing before passing it on to my nephews: the days of the week series, which were odd, but...
  8. Gwynne

    Recent Wheel Of Time Fan

    Greetings, fellow nerd! Know all about the 'cannot talk about it' jobs; yay DC.
  9. Gwynne


    Trying to find the transition forum; is there a is it under a subheading? *EDIT* Nevermind. I am apparently selectively blind. /searches around for glasses
  10. Gwynne

    Hello from Singapore!

    Hullo & nice to meet you. I've not watched any Korean drama's in a long time, though a friend does. What's good now?
  11. Gwynne


    Thank you for all the wonderful greetings; it's nice to have something positive happen for a change. :) I've always loved the Spellsinger series: who can forget a Marxist dragon, a unicorn who definitely won't be drawn to any virginal young ladies, and turtle-wizard with the drawers in the...
  12. Gwynne

    So a nerdy girl walks into a forum...

    Hello -- terribly shy person myself, coupled with relative isolation, so... feel you there. Nice to 'meet' you.
  13. Gwynne

    I found a lovely bunch of coconuts..

    Oh no... now I've got that song in my head... Curses! The only cure is to get an even more infernally catchy tune stuck in my head... Put the lime in the coconut and drink 'em bot' up...
  14. Gwynne


    Hullo, all. New to the site, but not the the Wheel -- I first started reading when Eye of the World was first released (on the recommendation of my lab-partner in Advanced Biology, since we tended to finish everything before the others, so had time to read or doodle in the meantime), my only...