Recent content by epicfantasyblog

  1. epicfantasyblog

    Hello again! I actually love 90% of his work! Even his old student films of old ladies, vomit...

    Hello again! I actually love 90% of his work! Even his old student films of old ladies, vomit and alphabet soup. Fire Walk With Me is the crown jewel of artistic achievement and amazing symbolism! Mulholland Drive: Lynch seems to have plucked some of this film directly from style heaven. Inland...
  2. epicfantasyblog

    "I want my garmonbozia (pain and sorrow)". Im very happy to have a new friend who knows what...

    "I want my garmonbozia (pain and sorrow)". Im very happy to have a new friend who knows what that means! So what do you think of all of this talk of a third season of Twin Peaks?
  3. epicfantasyblog

    "It was a black summer for grey eyes."

    Thank you so much for your kind replies! Other than writing, I like obsessing over and rewatching Twin Peaks episodes. I have a rescue cat who is amazing who I spend a lot of time with. I am an avid chai drinker and am generally pretty reclusive. I don't have an official job right now, although...
  4. epicfantasyblog

    "It was a black summer for grey eyes."

    Thank you so much! The sentence was my gimmicky sales pitch. I thought "does anyone read these intros?". Lol.
  5. epicfantasyblog

    "It was a black summer for grey eyes."

    ... is the first sentence of my book. Hello all! I am brand new to this site/forum, but have been very much interested in fantasy literature since 2003. I had tried reading fantasy novels before that, but was unable to find any that were worth reading. I have since found, let's say "two entire...