Calling All Pets of TarValon.Net!!

Lilli O' Neeus

Sparkly Brown Goddess
Aes Sedai
Sep 24, 2004
Prince George, BC (to the left of your monitor)
  1. She - Her

*Brings out a variety of treats for a variety of animals and starts handing them out to the pets of TarValon.Net*

Thank you all for coming. I have called you hear to ask your help in convincing your owners to make sure that you and many others are kept healthy and happy. We must tell them that one of the most important ways to do this is to make sure that you are spayed or neutered. And the second most important is helping others to do the same for their pets and for unhomed animals around the world.

And here's why:
  • The life expectancy of spayed/neutered pets is up to 26% longer than that of intact pets. (Source: University of Georgia)
  • It’s a myth that pets inevitably gain weight due to spay or neuter procedures. Keeping pets on a healthy diet and providing them plenty of exercise will keep them at their optimal weight.
  • While spay/neuter surgeries are major surgeries, they are also the most common surgery performed by veterinarians.
  • One non-spayed female cat or dog and her non-spayed offspring can produce approximately 11,000 – 13,000 kittens or puppies in just five years!
  • An estimated 6.5 million dogs and cats enter shelters each year
A quick Google search can help find the nearest spay/neuter clinic, most likely run by the local SPCA or other charity. These clinics are often much cheaper that going to a regular vet because they are limited on the services they offer. And helping them out helps out other animals in the neighbourhood, too!

4 Reasons Spay and Neuter Programs Are Vital for Every Community

Here are four reasons why spaying or neutering your pet can make a big impact on a societal challenge that affects both animals and humans!