Aviendha's Children [Spoilers]


Aug 4, 2007
When Aviendha stepped through the rings at Rhuidean a third time it was noted that she had four children from Rand. It was also noted that her children were permanently touching the One Power from the moment of their birth.
Assuming she's pregnant as of the end of aMoL it's highly unlikely that she's have quads. This means that she and rand will have get together and produce more children in the future. My questions about the future children are:
  • Will the children have Rand's DNA or Moridin's DNA?
  • Will they be able to channel the One Power?
  • Will they be able to alter the Pattern like their father?
  • Technically, are they really Rand's children or are these "Children Of The Dragon" actually something else?
Any ideas?

Morrighan Daghdera

Company Commander of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
Feb 17, 2010
  1. She - Her
Library said:
(About Aviendha) "Min wondered whether to tell her what she had seen while they were all together. Aviendha would have Rand's babies, too. Four of them at once! Something was odd about that, though. The babies would be healthy, but still something odd." (WH, Ch. 12).

Emphasis mine. I think she could already be pregnant with the quads & therefore they'd have Rand's DNA. I'm totally guessing that they'll be able to channel the One Power, but not alter the pattern like Rand. I presume that the "children of the Dragon" are literally just that.


Aug 4, 2007
My mistake, then.

Ok, but say that Rand gets Min pregnant. What then?

Eluial Aldaran

A real gaydin
Aes Sedai
Jan 24, 2013
Seattle, WA
  1. She - Her
My mistake, then.

Ok, but say that Rand gets Min pregnant. What then?

Assuming Rand-in-Moridin's-Body gets Min pregnant, very likely:

Will the children have Rand's DNA or Moridin's DNA?
Moridin's. Which is now Rand's. So... take your pick on how technical you want to be.

Will they be able to channel the One Power?
Think that' just depends on whether they get a channeler's soul or not. Though Moridin's body used to be able to channel, and channeling does seem to be somewhat genetic.

Will they be able to alter the Pattern like their father?
Highly doubt it.

Toral Delvar

Oct 28, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI, US
In Aviendha's vison of the future, her children were known as the Dragon-Blooded, and everyone knew they were descended from Rand. This isn't conclusive of course, but is suggestive that she is already pregnant.
Apr 13, 2013
Avi's vision mentioned three lines of Dragon blooded, so Min must have kids by Rand, but considering she aint had sex with him within the right time frame and never showed any signs of pregnancy throughout the series, how can that be
Apr 25, 2013
Central Cali
I read earlier today, I believe it was in a Q&A of Sanderson, that Avi has quads. If I can go back and find it to quote, I will.

I assume, that if what she saw in Rhuidean is true, she will indeed have 4 children of Rand's (because they were called Dragon Blooded), and I assume as well that she is pregnant by him already from the night they spend together before the LB.

As far as manipulating the pattern, he was able to do that AFTER the LB, in Moridin's body. So I think it's unlikely the children he helped, ahem make, before that time will inherit that ability, but perhaps any future children.

I too am very curious about any future children....They'll be Rand's kids in a way, because mentally he IS Rand. But genetically, they'll be Moridin's. How will he tell the twins and these quads that even though he doesn't look a thing like them, he is their dad? Or will he never tell them, and be Uncle Moridin? If he does choose to be in their life as "dad", how is that going to work without admitting to the whole universe he didn't really die? How will he explain to any kids of Min's that Elayne's kids and Avi's kids are their half-siblings, when Min's won't look like their half-siblings?

Or just for thought, what if he enters the three women's life as Moridin? Won't others be suspicious of this (such as guards, friends, etc)? Nynaeve, Moriane and (obviously Cadsuance already) will catch on. They'll have to come up with some story for him if they pretend he is not Rand, because I don't the plan for some random guy off the street walzing up to the Palace, asking to speak to Elayne the Queen because he knows her is actually going to work, lolz.

The thing that really intrigues me is will they still love him the same in the body of a Forsaken? o_O It's Rand yes, but outward appearance...especially of something evil, would make me wary of my husband if one day he just switched bodies to one!

I guess I wasn't much help, lolz. I have more questions that answers!
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Elorenya d'Rahien

Aes Sedai
Feb 6, 2013
The one thing that strikes me about Avi's kids -- Min's viewing of her said, as close to verbatim as I can get without looking, "Aviendha would also bear Rand's children - four of them at once! But there was something odd about that..."

The "something odd" bit, I'm 100% sure of.

I'm suspecting that the "oddness" is because they're from after Rand and Moridin bodyswap. Other than, y'know, being quadruplets in and of themselves (the preterm birth rate on higher order multiples is extremely high; nearly 100% of quads are born pre-term, IIRC), but Min didn't seem to find THAT part odd in her vision.
May 18, 2010
I highly doubt that Rand will have anything to do with lives of his children. I believe that they will be part of the life he left behind. If any of the women goes seeking for him, that would be without children, which is why I believe that only Min will be the one to find him.
Apr 25, 2013
Central Cali
Corwin, unless Avi is not pregnant, yet. She could seek him out...I can see him giving up his kids, though, because I assume he would want to keep his identity secret.

I hope Min goes to find him, at least that way he could have one of his loves for the rest of his life. I just can't imagine him finding a fourth woman to settle down with, especially now that he can wield the pattern. How would he explain that to a new lover, lolz.

Elo has an interesting point! But would they still be considered "Dragon Blooded" if conceived after the bodyswap?
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Elorenya d'Rahien

Aes Sedai
Feb 6, 2013
Hard to say -- it's also possible that her vision was more or less negated by how he changed his plans to accommodate her post-vision warning, and/or that her vision could only take into account the things she knew at the time, which definitely did not include a pending bodyswap! XD
May 18, 2010
But would they still be considered "Dragon Blooded" if conceived after the bodyswap?

That's the whole point, that's why I believe that all children he was suppose to conceive, he conceived already. None of that Moridin's DNA crap.
May 28, 2013
Currently in CA (for now)
That's the whole point, that's why I believe that all children he was suppose to conceive, he conceived already. None of that Moridin's DNA crap.

Agreed , Min is never wrong, the "something odd" could have been the channeling ability. As for Min and Avi getting pregnant both could have happened that last week before he went in. He and Min are like rabbits, and she stayed in his tent , so can be assumed they did it quite alot. Avi obviously that wild night most likely is the night she became pregnant. Since it takes 4 weeks or more to realize you're pregnant , it is very possible that they both were and not even known it yet.
Jun 29, 2013
Marinette, Wisconsin
He was planning on finding a ship and going west. I assume its to go to Seanchan with Min, Fortuona, and Matt. :D
Sep 14, 2013
Novi Sad, Serbia
I think the odd part from Min's vision is the fact that they touch the One Power all the time. And Rand probably won't be in their lives, it looked like he was planning on leaving his whole life behind. Actually, I can't think too much about Avi's children, 'cause they remind me of the chilling thing Avi saw in Rhuidean. I hope it's averted now that the treaty is changed. Anyway, this is the wrong topic for that, so I'll be stopping now :D

Lok Enkee

Aes Sedai
Oct 31, 2012
Speaking of the Rhuidean vision, it got me thinking and I might have realized something. The Aiel being part of the Dragon's Peace may not prevent the future Avi saw. Unless it simply wasn't mentioned, while the treaty prevents other nations from going to war, I don't think it mentioned anything about the Aiel and what happens with them. Yes, they act as a peace keeping force, but what happens when someone slights them? We know that the Aiel have a major hatred for the Seanchan for taking Wise Ones as damane. What's to stop the peacekeepers from going to war?

Personally, I hope this does not happen, but it does mean that future is still a possibility, just slightly altered.