2024 Virtual Events Merit Tracking Report Forms

Adina al'Mari

Aes Sedai
Director of Online Events
Dec 8, 2004
SF Bay Area, Cali, USA
  1. None - Use Name
New year, new reporting forms!


1. Fill out the top form if you were a host/participant and want to track your own merit activities.
2. Fill out the bottom form if you were the host as part of a Tower job. There is an option to include the event for personal tracking.
3. Do not fill out multiple forms for the same event.

All members-

Details will be ironed out by TBD peoples at TBD time about what does/does not qualify for Virtual Events merits. The process may change after the merit details are settled, so please be flexible since this is all a work in progress and above my paygrade. ;) If you don't want/care about the merit, don't fill out the form*. (*See below) If you change your mind later and want to track activities for merits, you'll probably have to start from "scratch," so to speak, since there will be no official records until you yourself start recording them.

Hosting as part of a Tower Job-

No jobs at the Tower have currently have "Host Offsite Stuff" as part of their official requirements -yet- however, we do want to start tracking events that are done in an "official" capacity, in case some other kind of merit needs to be created. Additionally, it allows us to track clearly when off boards organized events have taken place, and which Departments are hosting.

*Therefore, even if you do not care about your own personal merits, please DO fill out the second form if you are hosting in an official Tower job capacity. You will have the option to have it count as a personal merit (or not!) on this form as well, do not fill out both forms for the same event.

As ever, if you have an idea for something that isn't currently being recognized, but probably should be, please use the "Other" options on the forms, or post suggestions here, so we can add/edit merits and requirements as we continue expanding our community events.

ETA: I realize forms are obnoxious, and many people attend repeated events regularly. Therefore, for ease of use, and because I respect your time, I have added an option to bulk report repeated events. Please report same-type repeat events at least monthly, if you're able to remember details, and are more organized than I am. :laugh:

Thank you!!!

These forms will be self managed, and are simply for record keeping at the moment. Remember- if you don't report it, we can't track it! Only one form per person per event please.

If you were an Event ATTENDEE or Guest Host please fill out this form-

Individual Virtual Events Merit Tracking

If you were an Event Host as part of an official TOWER JOB, use this form-

Tower Job Host Tracking

Boreas Silverfir

Formerly known as Aylward Leamh
Resident Citizen
Nov 18, 2022
Stedding Koma Kulshan
  1. He - Him
Bookmarked. Thanks for putting together the form!

Adina al'Mari

Aes Sedai
Director of Online Events
Dec 8, 2004
SF Bay Area, Cali, USA
  1. None - Use Name
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  • #3
I realize forms are obnoxious, and many people attend repeated events regularly. Therefore, for ease of use, and because I respect your time, I have added an option to bulk report repeated events. Please report same-type repeat events at least monthly, if you're able to remember details, and are more organized than I am. :laugh: