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  1. R

    Opinion: Nynaeve's Raising (ToM Spoilers!!!!!!)

    That would totally make sense! Assuming Egwene's plan to exchange women with the Aiel works out. Which I assume it will (That's a lot of assumptions :x ) I think Nynaeve definitely changed the way Aes Sedai work forever. Especially regarding the whole calmness thing. I think she is basically a...
  2. R

    Opinion: Nynaeve's Raising (ToM Spoilers!!!!!!)

    I wonder if they raised any more Accepted with the ter'angreal? Or did she break it forever? That would REALLY throw a wrench in the works for the Tower :o
  3. R

    Opinion: Nynaeve's Raising (ToM Spoilers!!!!!!)

    It's such a messy situation. I am glad she passed, I think she raised a lot of good points about "calmness for calmness' sake", which always seemed a bit odd to me. I love her headstrong approach to the situation. I was always curious if she had been not pre-raised, and they cast her out, if she...
  4. R

    Opinion: Nynaeve's Raising (ToM Spoilers!!!!!!)

    True, very true. I try to think of it as if she hadn't been already raised. But that just complicates it more!
  5. R

    Opinion: Nynaeve's Raising (ToM Spoilers!!!!!!)

    Would you have raised or denied Nynaeve during her testing to become Aes Sedai? Based solely on her performance, if you were one of the Sisters working with the ter'angreal? I honestly don't know if I would have. Probably but ........... I don't know :lol :o