Search results

  1. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    I'm children's librarian at the North branch, which is waaaaaay out, well, North. :lol Totally crash it! Storytime every Friday at 10:30 :p
  2. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    That'll be me. :look
  3. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    Hai! *waves*
  4. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    I'm so old. :cry But hey, I know literally everyone from that time period. :p
  5. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    I was, like, everyone's Mayor. :look Hello, all my old friends! It's great to see everybody! (LOOK AT LOCUS ALL CC N'SUCH!)
  6. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    I was in Michigan in....2013? I think? Whenever that was. I did the swordy thing and broke two fingers and then fell down the stairs the next day. That'll be me. :look If the whole thing blew up, I'd have to save the Blue corner, gotta say. That's always where I start first when I come back...
  7. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    We ended up going with a very straightforward square-ish thing with a horizontal pocket. :p
  8. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    Hello to everyone, old and new! (And look at you, Megana - all growed up!)
  9. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    Talk away! Email or PM or a thread in Blue, it's all good!
  10. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    Ary - I've done that one twice! :lol Always a huge hit!
  11. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    YES! It's fantastic! I'm trying to show the difference between a physical change (ice melting) and chemical ones - so when things change color or release heat n'such. I'm super excited for "elephant toothpaste" which is yeast/water added to hydrogen peroxide! And I found this really cool thing...
  12. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    The science teacher part is unofficial - I haven't got a certification or anything. I just started a nonfiction storytime that morphed into a weekly science experimentation thingy for pre-K and kindergarten because that's what people showed up for. :p We're currently doing chemical reactions...
  13. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    Thanks! I'm quite attached to her, though I've never gotten around to buying a print from the Bowser store. When I win the lottery, that'll jump up a few places on the priority list. :p
  14. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    Well, at the moment I *plan* to stay. :p
  15. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    (I am an incredibly random person; stay tuned and I will do something else completely off the wall because I can.)
  16. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    I've been doing STUFF! I'm a children's librarian now, which is what I've wanted for a long time. I've been doing that for a year, and while I still haven't tempted any high schoolers into the library, I have become a science teacher, which is not what I expected. But I love it. Also, I got...
  17. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    Hi! I have to admit, I haven't even been lurking other than popping in once a year to freak out the Blues. :p
  18. Kyla Sterling

    So hello.

    Today is my 11-year Tar Valon-iversary. And I've been an awful lurker for the last few years, since the people I'm friends with here I also know on Facebook and IRL so I just got really comfy with my people I've known forever and occasionally show up to a party if it's in driving distance. And...