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  1. Trond Maslin


    Ha ha! I didn't know it was a real name, though its interesting to hear its origins. Maybe I was subconsciously influenced by having read Kristin Lavransdatter (which I loved) around the time I began playing D&D; I think a lot of the second book took place in the region of Troendelag. I...
  2. Trond Maslin


    I hated Dune when I read it as a child; it wasn't until I revisited it in high school that I enjoyed it. I felt the same way about The Eye of the World at first: it took me a few tries to push through the prologue and first chapter, and it wasn't until I re-read that section years later that I...
  3. Trond Maslin


    No, though all this talk of pre-Columbian civilizations is making me think a trip to the library to rectify my ignorance is necessary... Sadly, I have never been to Rome, though I would love to see all the ruins (not to mention all the Renaissance art!). Have you? I have seen Roman ruins in...
  4. Trond Maslin


    Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! I would have to say Ancient Rome, partly for all their great feats, but mostly because I just love their language and literature. As fascinating as Near Eastern civilizations can be (I remember being obsessed with pyramids and mummies when I was a boy)...
  5. Trond Maslin


    Hello! After reading the Wheel of Time series fitfully over the better part of the last decade, I have finally finished the last book and... Wow! Robert Jordan was visionary. Such a detailed world, such well-developed characters. I'm glad I strayed from my typical diet of science fiction to...