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  1. Severian Asamura

    Two Rivers/Andor = Political Theory?

    That depends. The nearest big 'Town' is Baerlon. The nearest city, is arguably, White Bridge. i'm not sure either has any direct contact with the Two Rivers.
  2. Severian Asamura

    Two Rivers/Andor = Political Theory?

    Which City? Most of Two Rivers hasn't even had contact to a 'city'. My understanding is that they dealt with merchants that came to them once or twice a year. I could be wrong in that though. As for Tam, you would think he would know that the Two Rivers is in Andor. I don't recall him ever...
  3. Severian Asamura

    Two Rivers/Andor = Political Theory?

    I think that they always had that sense (i.g. their stubborn streak), but it wasn't until after Rand left that they start to find out that someone had a 'claim' on them, so to speak. The events that followed after Rand left just game the people of Two Rivers a reason why they were and felt the...
  4. Severian Asamura

    Two Rivers/Andor = Political Theory?

    I'm of the same mind. I'm a bit annoyed with how Perrin responded to Elayne to be honest. I felt he should have been more aggressive.
  5. Severian Asamura

    Two Rivers/Andor = Political Theory?

    -- Monty Python It occurred to me towards the end of reading A Memory of Light, that the relationship between Two Rivers and Andor highlights an interesting political theory. Maybe theory isn't correct and 'truth'is more accurate. A truth that basically states that any and all governments...