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  1. Sera Volare

    Under utilization of the Power?

    True! I don't know if you have ever read the Dresden files, but there is a scene where a magic wielder is defending themselves from some beasties and baddies who also wield magic, and they surrounded themselves with a sphere shaped shield and basically were saying "yeah, cool, come at me bro...
  2. Sera Volare

    Under utilization of the Power?

    I hadn't really factored in the stagnation effect of the White Tower being a little ..... cautious (understatement of the age?). I can imagine Warders wondering about whether they could have been protected using the Power, instead of getting filled with arrows or something. Androl's use of...
  3. Sera Volare

    Under utilization of the Power?

    So this is something I have given a lot of thought. I have always felt, throughout every read of the books, that the Aes Sedai (and Ashaman) really under utilize the Power in a lot of ways. Examples. 1. Armoring themselves/others. I don't think that wrapping a breastplate or helmet in Air (or...