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  1. Riversong al'Weir


    Indeed, Corinne :) It's a start.
  2. Riversong al'Weir


    LOL, no. I can point out all of the homeless and domestic violence shelters, and they aren't. This at least is something that people can feel like they contribute, while not feeling 'homeless', or a burden to society. It also gives me a place to go and do research for my classes :). Of course...
  3. Riversong al'Weir


    Sorry, I meant, Aiel. :)
  4. Riversong al'Weir


    Saowynn, I want to create an underground safehouse, using the WOT series, as a real-life LARP, that would eventually become self-sustained where victims of domestic abuse can hide in plain site, and not be subjected to abuse. I thought it would be great to utilize the entire series, since there...
  5. Riversong al'Weir


    Welcome, Saowynn!