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  1. Polegnyn Nemeara


    Now that is a good explanation. Thank you :) More good points **sigh for not having post-Tarmon Gai'don storylines** I also have to admit I was kind of shocked that Rand's soul didn't die in the end. It seems like we're all conditioned to expect literary heroes to give the ultimate...
  2. Polegnyn Nemeara


    Gotcha. Thanks for the confirmation :) and It's still a form of magical power even thought it's not specifically Channeling. More of an instantaneous mental magical system instead of using weaves to affect things that already exist. Good point. But the fact that he can't seem to decide...
  3. Polegnyn Nemeara


    I'm not sure where this should go so feel free to move to the appropriate thread. It's another thing bugging me since finishing my relisten. This time, though, it's about the True Power. The full entry can be read in the Companion but let's recap: True Source created by the Creator. Female...
  4. Polegnyn Nemeara


    Here's a question about Tarmon Gai'don I've wondered about since first reading AMoL. Why didn't Light-sided channelers just open up gateways parallel to the ground yet super close to trollocs, fades, Sharans to basically behead them with a gateway? I remember one instance of a trolloc falling...
  5. Polegnyn Nemeara


    The second "inconsistency": I kinda chalk this up to the frequent use of gateways in that latter portion of the series, too.
  6. Polegnyn Nemeara


    That's pretty much what my response to the second inconsistency was :giggle
  7. Polegnyn Nemeara


    That's what I suggested to the person, but apparently it's not an acceptable solution because they are picking out other timeline inconsistencies. lol oh well. This is another reason why I try not to look too closely at fictional writing, especially so when it comes to fantasy :)
  8. Polegnyn Nemeara


    So in conducting an informal group reread of my own, one person asks how Tam knew Morgase was alive (TGS, bottom of page 735, hardbacks) and shared that news with Rand. However, we don't read of Morgase revealing her identity to everyone in Perrin's camp until the following book, ToM. Is this...