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  1. Nadezhda al'Lanahrin

    Why are the Forsaken so stupid? (Spoilers Winter's Heart)

    Yeah, this is all very true. But now I am not even really scared of the Forsaken anymore. I thought it was funny with Osan'gar and Moghedien. However, with all the others I am disappointed. Especially since Moridin is supposed to be Nae'blis. What is he doing that is so important that he can't...
  2. Nadezhda al'Lanahrin

    Why are the Forsaken so stupid? (Spoilers Winter's Heart)

    So, I have finally finished reading Winter's Heart!! I really enjoyed the book, after the Perrin bit. I really like the time we spent in Far Madding, certainly an interesting place. But the thing that bugged me the most in this book, during the cleansing of saidin, were the Forsaken. I enjoyed...