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  1. Morrighan Daghdera

    Galad Wants YOU (for the 2010 Membership Survey)!

    Y'know, one of my all-time favorite German inventors EVER was Johannes Gutenberg...efficient printing, FTW; great idea then, still working on it today, I guess? Take the bible to the masses... :hug my sponsor for novicehood
  2. Morrighan Daghdera

    Galad Wants YOU (for the 2010 Membership Survey)!

    Then I sent in my novice application. Thank you. :curtsey
  3. Morrighan Daghdera

    Galad Wants YOU (for the 2010 Membership Survey)!

    That is so cool for us to know. Thank you. Survey says??? I'm fond of the :horsey There you go, Galad. ;)