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  1. Monari'Lyn Al'Eradore

    What moved you?

    I think the crying and moving parts may be because for some, crying and being moved are one and the same. For instance, if my husband is moved, he usually cries; I often do not--but sometimes I do. And as far as Mat--there's a reason we named our little, undaunted stray kitty after him--he...
  2. Monari'Lyn Al'Eradore

    What moved you?

    My spellings may be off cuz I listen to the audio. Olver riding Bela, her getting it, Noal's many things. I was sure Siuan would return with Bela with the Horn folk--but no :) I wouldn't have minded a book much longer, more filled in, not more past the ending (well, I would love...