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  1. Lorianna Anayellen

    Favorite WoT character?

    Mat stays pretty true to himself. He started out that way for the most part. Personality wise. He even says he tried gambling the time when he was little.
  2. Lorianna Anayellen

    Favorite WoT character?

    I like how she can accomplish anything through sheer force of will. That woman could make anything happen and she is so brave. Mat drives her crazy too ;)
  3. Lorianna Anayellen

    Favorite WoT character?

    Seriously, is there ANYONE, ... anywhere... that doesnt like mat???? Even Elayne warmed up to him eventually. Even if he isnt your favorite, he is such a great character.
  4. Lorianna Anayellen

    Favorite WoT character?

    Mat and verin. Mat is awesome and my favorite character in any book and verin is who I wish I could be if I was a character... You know, before she dies.