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  1. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    I saw and replied. ^^
  2. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    I used to devour those as a child.
  3. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    Double contractions. <3 :hug Hello, Luciana. ^^ You already have 25 posts, you can apply for Citizenship now if you wish! Then you will have a whole new subforum you could inadvertently neglect to see. :lol
  4. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    This pleases me. ^^
  5. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    *Peers into the box to ensure Jeff did not get the marshmallows out of an actual marsh before nodding approvingly* You can stay. ^^
  6. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    Isn't blue blood supposed to be the best blood? :lol
  7. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    ... Well, now you have me wondering what that would taste like. I don't think I've ever encountered a place that sells something like that. So curious. D:
  8. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    :rofl Can't argue with that! :fistbump
  9. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    It can be a perfect excuse to get out of work or school. "My bed wouldn't let me leave." :lol
  10. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    I cannot agree with you more. :lol Rumpelstiltskin. :look
  11. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    Yes. :look I'm sure a few will be found. We don't really do egg hunts here, not to my knowledge, at least. We do dye the eggs in various ways, decorate them, and at one point, we do "egg battles". That involves choosing a hard-boiled, dyed egg that looks sturdy enough. You and your opponent...
  12. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    Serbians are Orthodox Christians, so our Easter isn't here yet. It will be here at the very end of April this time around. ^^ It's connected with Labour Day on the 1st of May, so we'll be getting five days off or something. I am looking forward to it!
  13. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    Thank you! :yellow ​*Starts handing out chocolate*...
  14. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    I would, if I tried it. ^^ I think. At least it sounds like something I would like. It's good to see you around again, Chaelca. :fistbump
  15. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    D: Whodunit? :shifty
  16. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    I was too busy baking cookies for everyone who gave me such amazing excuses. :look You know I got nuffin', otherwise you'd be away from your job a lot more often. :shifty
  17. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    *Sits closer to the Mayor, sparing an internal glare for the flu before reaching out to Heal her* :hug I could use something nice and heavily chocolated. Yes, heavily chocolated. :|
  18. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    With me, it's an endless cycle of feeling like sweets after savoury, and feeling like savoury after sweets. :x
  19. Lithiel Morn

    The Bonfire 2: Feel the blaze

    I've been feeling like a bottomless pit where food goes to die recently. :look