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  1. Linkelivar Miou'Mai

    Ring of Tamirlyn

    They could be used as such however, they are in a sense compulsion rods. Any tool can be used to serve either the shadow ort he light, a myrdraal's sword could be used to serve the light if someone actually cared to do so. I'm quite sure it would kill shadow spawn just as well as it does...
  2. Linkelivar Miou'Mai

    Ring of Tamirlyn

    Ok that was the extent of my knowledge as well. I was hoping the white book would give us a little more. Maybe it was like the One Ring capable of summoning the Nine Rods of Dominion
  3. Linkelivar Miou'Mai

    Ring of Tamirlyn

    I was just wondering if there is any information on the Ring of Tamirlyn in the white book. I work 6 nights a week and just don't have time to read much anymore