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  1. Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum

    Amylia just got through books 7-8 and needs to squel (spoiler for books 7-8))

    I mean, that's true too. You can criticize something and still love it.
  2. Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum

    Amylia just got through books 7-8 and needs to squel (spoiler for books 7-8))

    So...14/15 year-old me, reading about the SA on all three of those... Morgase...flew right over my head. Did not register. Whatsoever. Mat...i kinda read him as a "player," and again, being the inexperienced child who didn't think about the dark side of relationships, i just read it as it was...