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  1. Kallarn Lo'Vosh

    Brandon Sanderson series- The way of kings

    Yep, its all part of the whole cosmere crossover thing going on in the Stormlight archive. Will be interesting to see where it goes though.
  2. Kallarn Lo'Vosh

    Brandon Sanderson series- The way of kings

    Read about these on goodreads the other day Sounds interesting if you dont just want a book read to you.
  3. Kallarn Lo'Vosh

    Brandon Sanderson series- The way of kings

    Ive not seen these split over here but they definitely do it with others (Song of Ice and Fire, WoT).
  4. Kallarn Lo'Vosh

    Brandon Sanderson series- The way of kings

    Thats a pain, I suppose being such large files it just cant handle it for some reason.
  5. Kallarn Lo'Vosh

    Brandon Sanderson series- The way of kings

    Can you not just transfer the downloaded files to your iphone as music and listen to them through the music player?
  6. Kallarn Lo'Vosh

    Brandon Sanderson series- The way of kings

    I can lend a book to anyone anywhere with a few clicks and no postage, as long as they have a computer or ebook reader they can read it. I used to love proper books but they take up so much space and ebooks are much more convenient.