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  1. Jeffan Caliarthan

    What would you ask Brandon?

    Oh, cool. Thanks. Super-lame name, though. Westlands. Pshaw.
  2. Jeffan Caliarthan

    What would you ask Brandon?

    Keladria, he was referring to Legion. Were you at the Seattle signing too? :look
  3. Jeffan Caliarthan

    What would you ask Brandon?

    It was called "A Memory of Light" because that's what Robert Jordan wanted the last volume titled.
  4. Jeffan Caliarthan

    What would you ask Brandon?

    I might also ask if Randland has an actual name. I'm sure it's been asked before, though.
  5. Jeffan Caliarthan

    What would you ask Brandon?

    This is all in accordance with Rand's treaty. He was basically doing anything to get them to fight with him at The Last Battle. Now that he's gone, shit's gonna happen between The White Tower and the Seanchan. It's inevitable.
  6. Jeffan Caliarthan

    What would you ask Brandon?

    What the hell is up with Nakomi, and is she the woman that Rand sees at the end?
  7. Jeffan Caliarthan

    What would you ask Brandon?

    Oh, she has to have a legacy. She's going to go down as one of the Great Amyrlins for sure.
  8. Jeffan Caliarthan

    What would you ask Brandon?

    Egwene dies! EGWENE IS MEANINGFUL. Totes agree with you about Gawyn and his stupidity, though. When he put on the ter'angreal ring, I was like, "Oh, you dumbass. Wait, you're gonna die. YES, DO THAT."
  9. Jeffan Caliarthan

    What would you ask Brandon?

    Whether it be related to what happened in the book, what it was like writing it, or anything else - what would you ask Brandon? I think my question would probably be what death was the hardest to write.