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  1. Jarl Lewin

    It's Official! The Wheel of Time is coming to Amazon!

    Definitely! :lol I see NS as more of a window into what leads up to tFoH and LoC, and as such is backstory that could be used very creatively in adapting it for television.
  2. Jarl Lewin

    It's Official! The Wheel of Time is coming to Amazon!

    I envision it starting with the first chapter of tEotW and having some scenes looking back on events--like the Foretelling--in NS as the story unfolds on the screen. It shouldn't jump around too much, but I think there could be room for going back in places to give some of the backstory where...
  3. Jarl Lewin

    It's Official! The Wheel of Time is coming to Amazon!

    I certainly hope so. It seems to me that a good bit of what happens in NS is integral to telling the whole story on the screen.