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  1. Ephrem Elpidius


    Sorcha Sedai, you are an inspiration to us all! If I wasn't sick I would take this motivation from you and binge read to oblivion!
  2. Ephrem Elpidius


    Hopefully we get to meet someday Stephen Sedai! I have a feeling we will get on quite nicely! I have a bug of some kind, so my reading has come to a full halt. I hate winter, I only ever get sick in deep winter. Speaking of that, I am getting quite weak again, time for Netflix in bed and water...
  3. Ephrem Elpidius


    I just started up Starsight, finally got it back from my cousin, she loved it! I can't wait I am so excited, Lightbringer series is going to be put on hold until this is finished, but I am loving that series too.I just am happy I am loving reading again, I had a very long dry spell...
  4. Ephrem Elpidius


    I can't wait!!! My little cousin is reading my copy. You have made me so excited!!! :ok hype is real ^^
  5. Ephrem Elpidius


    no idea, but have you read Infinity Blade, a short novella he wrote? I really enjoyed that too
  6. Ephrem Elpidius

    Skyward upper top right corner of his official website
  7. Ephrem Elpidius


    I don't know what you are referring to, "the one with those girls" ?
  8. Ephrem Elpidius


    I just checked Sanderson's main website, looks like book 3 of Skyward will be around 2022-2023 or so, Stormlight Archive 4 and 5 are his focus at the moment, then I believe he said he is doing a warbreaker 2 and maybe more mistborn, not sure. I really enjoyed the Reckoners trilogy, would like...
  9. Ephrem Elpidius


    Lot of his works are so original it is mindboggling. I love all the unique magic systems. I just was looking at Amazon and second book of Skyward is up for pre-order, called Starlight, $16 and ships December this year. I grabbed it. :)