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  1. Emerald ní Róhan

    So, About the Forsaken...

    Axis, I never get tired of you correcting me. How else am I supposed to learn? :hug Actually, I think we mostly agree there, I just didn't say my bit as well, mainly because I didn't have the precise timeline. Mierin & LTT had a thing. LTT broke up with Mierin because she "loved power". LTT...
  2. Emerald ní Róhan

    So, About the Forsaken...

    Well, that is frustrating. I figure Lanfear was ripe for the plucking because she was inwardly insane over her jealousy towards Lews Therin and Ilyena. I've never seen the timeline confirmed, but I assume that LTT marrying Ilyena happened before the Bore was drilled. I got this impression mainly...
  3. Emerald ní Róhan

    So, About the Forsaken...

    Read the description of Be'lal's death when Moiraine uses Balefire to kill him. Then the description of Asmodean's death: These two descriptions are very similar, with their cries in the air after they are dead. As to the whole "where" affect on Asmodean, I find it to be irrelevant. Other...