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  1. Colin al'Gondor

    The Great Stump

    Some of the Star Wars books weren't bad. It's sad though, because so little is known of the Ogier and they were such a big part of the AOL.
  2. Colin al'Gondor

    The Great Stump

    Yeah the Book of Translation was a big one I wanted to hear more on. What is it? Where did it come from? Who wrote it? These seem like things that Lioal would know!
  3. Colin al'Gondor

    The Great Stump

    With Loial going off to speak against his mother, I thought there might be more about what happened in the steddings. Was there mention of the stump in AMoL or just the few short sentences that I remember in italics every so often. I think that would have been a great debate to witness......