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  1. Arinna Katal

    The end of the Forsaken

  2. Arinna Katal

    The end of the Forsaken

    And it was also not ambiguous at all in the books. Maybe I was unaware of it, but I never saw anyone talking about, "man, what happened to Lanfear? Did she die? Did she not die? Who can tell!!!!" It's like if he would have said, "Oh, just FYI, Egwene was actually Black Ajah the whole time" or...
  3. Arinna Katal

    The end of the Forsaken

    I thought they were all satisfying enough except for Sammael, specifically because it was written so twistily in a way that, from RJ, would normally indicate that he wasn't actually dead (Rand didn't see him die, etc. etc. etc.). And so for the scene to have Rand be like "idk i guess he's...