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  1. Anujun Trahearn


    Nah, WoT hipsters would be people *pretending* to be early members. You're like OG WoT Punk :8)
  2. Anujun Trahearn


    Ah, that makes sense, you were active in the fandom *before* it was cool :P I originally joined in 2009, and I believe this site was created in 2001ish? So it would have been new and tiny when you were actively RPing.
  3. Anujun Trahearn


    Welcome to the White Tower, Sakan! I'm sorry about your friend, but glad that you found us. I'm amazed you've never heard of, as active as you've been in WoT fandom. You'll find the structure of this site modeled quite closely after the White Tower from the books, which I think is...