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  1. Alyccea Nymaessene


    Yep, I felt exactly the same way! :lol :fistbump Wow, I just looked up Caesarea Maritima and it looks awesome to climb! :lol My tour group visited Pont du Gard (one of the Roman aqueducts in France), but we didn't get to scale it, sadly. What made you decide to visit Israel? That's one place...
  2. Alyccea Nymaessene


    Ooh, where was that? I have been to Rome, and much of the northern half of Italy (Venice, Florence, Milan, Assisi etc.). Rome is undoubtedly my favourite, though. Palatine Hill (where a lot of the ancient ruins are) is absolutely breathtaking. The scale of some of the old ruins is...
  3. Alyccea Nymaessene


    Welcome, Trond! :welcome I, too, am fascinated by all this talk of ancient civilisations. Have you been to Rome to see the ruins? You also mentioned that you normally read science fiction. What are your favourite SF stories? Also (because I'm curious :p) how did you choose your name?