Recent content by Terez

  1. Terez

    Tolkien References in WoT

    Noobquestion: Is it standard practice to put spoiler tags on everything from the books, even in the forum which includes AMOL discussion?
  2. Terez

    Hi y'all

    Thanks so much to everyone for the welcomes!
  3. Terez

    Congratulations, Accepted Owena!

    Congrats Owena! I was very privileged to attend the ceremonies and also to meet you for the second time! I hope to see you at the con again in the future, and if not that, then maybe at some or another Chicago-area event. PS: Rhed told me you were being raised before the ceremonies. You had...
  4. Terez

    Hi y'all

    Ahhh, it's in the library. I have used the library for various things over the years but I have never really explored it. I found it particularly useful for character appearances in each book, for example, but I'm sure there are plenty of other uniquely useful pages I've missed. I probably...
  5. Terez

    Hi y'all

    Thank you for telling me how that works. I read the FAQ and I am still confused so there's probably another FAQ somewhere. Maybe a secret FAQ? :D Awesome. I will eventually remember the name of the person who kindly photoshopped my pink bow. Could that be my pseudonym? "TEREZ Terez". I can't...
  6. Terez

    Hi y'all

    Thanks y'all. I hope to get to know everyone here, not just con people! I'm gonna be a lost noob for a while, though.
  7. Terez

    Hi y'all

    ^^ There is no curtsey emote for total noobs. :(
  8. Terez

    Hi y'all

    Woo, someone who remembers that forum existed! I can't remember when I joined there, but it was probably around 2012, give or take a year.
  9. Terez

    Hi y'all

    See, you guys made me feel so welcome, I jumped right into your GOT thread. :horsey
  10. Terez

    Hi y'all

    Ahhhh, awesome. :D And congratulations! There was also a woman who was being raised to Accepted there, who I also met at the Companion signing in Naperville IL (Chicago burb). She seems pretty cool and I don't even know her real name, much less her forum name. (See, this is why I joined.)
  11. Terez

    Hi y'all

    I noticed there were a lot of Blues at the Toast. At first I figured there must be some serious Moiraine love at this forum, or something, but there was a Blue raising and a Blue wedding, so I guess the Blues just made a special effort to come out for all that. Anyway, the great thing about the...
  12. Terez

    Hi y'all

    My avatar is a picture of Asmodean that Brandon drew in my copy of TGS. I think. My books are at home and I'm not. Anyway, the pink bow comes from when I registered for the now-defunct which was similar in community style to this one, so I needed an avatar that was an image of a...
  13. Terez

    Hi y'all

    Thanks for the welcome! I have always loved ASOIAF and I am very much into the show despite being a book snob who complains about adaptation issues all the time. I don't have quite as much time for reading as I once did, so I can't reread books over and over like I used to, so most of my other...
  14. Terez

    Hi y'all

    Hi everyone! I could have sworn that I had registered on this forum before, but maybe I got wiped out in one of the forum sweeps that Serenla told me about because I didn't post regularly. This is probably the only major WoT website where I haven't posted regularly at some point, but since I...