Does anyone agree with this person?
:roflThing I'm very okay with getting rid of:
Cut Faile and Perrin ?I love the Morgase storyline but I agree that it could pretty easily be cut without the story losing much.
I would keep the early Shaido storyline but everything with Perrin/Faile and the Shaido I would be happy to see cut.
In fact, I wouldn’t mind if they cut Faile altogether, but that might be too big of a change I guess.
I would be happy if some of the romances were cut or condensed but I think reducing them all to glances or whatnot would be a mistake. Yes, they’re trying to prevent the end of the world, but when emotions are running high, all emotions tend to run high. I don’t think subtle glances would feel believable given the circumstances. I would be happy to see the Perrin/Faile and Egwene/Gawyn romances cut, and definitely the Egwene/Gawyn/Galad triangle cut. I would like the Mat/Tuon relationship to feel more believable, it just feels awkward to me in the books. Rand/Aviendha is the only of his relationships that feels natural to me. Min and Elayne just don’t have the right chemistry with him to me.
They could probably cut a lot of Ebou Dar (keep the Kin of course).
I definitely want them to keep the Nynaeve/Moghedien rivalry. That just makes me happy.
I also really like Perrin’s return home. I would be fine with it being changed some, but I want that homecoming to still happen.