Sorcha Al'Verdan
Aes Sedai
Its obvious for Machin Shin, but I don't understand how TDO would be responsible for Mashadar...
The only thing The Dark Ones (as a force, not an intelligent entity) does is provide the choice of evil. How that evil then grows and evolves in minds of the humans who choose it doesn't have to be Its doing.
Valid... Though if we're talking about lack of proof of theories, everything in the series sais that this isn't true. We've seen no hint of such a thing at all.
They were turned against their will because of torture. You can force someone to rob a bnk with a gun, you can make nearly anyone do anything. THat doesn't really give them a choice, its more of a matter of their character, strength, bravery, courage etc.And how many Ashe'man/Aes Sedai were turned during the last book?
Besides, Emerylde explained my view better then myself. The choice is the person's to make, DO not envolved (which is my point), but once the choice was made, the DO now has the power to take the choice from you. I think Moridin is a perfect example, as I've mentioned before. WHat choice did he have, once he made his original one?
This comes to show that a choice exists with or without the DO, but once he's involved, the choice is taken from you. Hence my lack of understanding of how we all suddenly assume that he is somehow critical for a choice to be made.
Bravo. Spot on.Yup. Absolutely no choice at all once you go over to the Dark One. Which is why Verin was at the Last Battle, slinging balefire at the good guys.
Wait, what's that? She defied Shai'tan, took poison and revealed the names of almost every Black sister in the Tower? Oops.
really? We've seen no hint that theres a balance of light and dark? Good Vs. evil? What book series were you reading?
YOU REALLY ARE NOTHING, Rand said, knowing the Dark One's secrets completely.
He knew all secrets. He could see what the Dark One had done. And Light, Rand understood. Much of what the Dark One had shown him was lies.
But the vision Rand himself had created - the one without the Dark One - was truth.