Thank you, @Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum for all you have done this term. Unfortunately, the RL monster is stealing her, so I need to hire.
The Mayor is our first contact for new members and is almost always busy! The Mayor is responsible for processing new Citizen applications, running the City Council, selecting the citizen representatives of our Community Council, placing Citizens before the Hall for acceptance into the Tower, and settling any disputes regarding Citizens. As a member of the Department of Membership, the Mayor also helps moderate the Olde Warder and Hen and a few other spaces. This is an 18 month rotating position at the administrative level. The following are some examples of the duties for the position of Mayor:
Facilitate the Community experience of all Citizens, beginning with processing Citizen applications
Gathering recommendations for Citizens when they apply to the Tower, along with placing those applications before the Hall
Maintain contact information for Citizens
Any duties related to the City that I haven't listed specifically
Helping with our Builder's Grove as needed
Managing the City Council
Must be a member of at least 6 months standing - Citizens, Aes Sedai and Gaidin all are eligible!
Must be able to dedicate at least 10-15 hours per week to the position though this number could be far more (sometimes less) depending on the week
Must be organized, active, and have strong leadership and team-building skills
Must be extremely knowledgeable about our Bylaws, the Membership Manual, the administrative structure, and how our Community operates
**Please do not apply if you are a Novice, Recruit, Accepted or Soldier! This position has access to the Hall of the Tower. As you could potentially be put up in the Hall during your term, this disqualifies you from this position! Also, Citizens who apply should not plan on applying to the Tower until their term as Mayor is up.**
If you would like to apply for this position, please send an email with the subject line: APPLICATION - MAYOR - YOURNAMEHERE explaining why you think you would be a good fit for the position along with any special skills you have to, and
Applications are due by November 7, 2024.
The Mayor is our first contact for new members and is almost always busy! The Mayor is responsible for processing new Citizen applications, running the City Council, selecting the citizen representatives of our Community Council, placing Citizens before the Hall for acceptance into the Tower, and settling any disputes regarding Citizens. As a member of the Department of Membership, the Mayor also helps moderate the Olde Warder and Hen and a few other spaces. This is an 18 month rotating position at the administrative level. The following are some examples of the duties for the position of Mayor:
Facilitate the Community experience of all Citizens, beginning with processing Citizen applications
Gathering recommendations for Citizens when they apply to the Tower, along with placing those applications before the Hall
Maintain contact information for Citizens
Any duties related to the City that I haven't listed specifically
Helping with our Builder's Grove as needed
Managing the City Council
Must be a member of at least 6 months standing - Citizens, Aes Sedai and Gaidin all are eligible!
Must be able to dedicate at least 10-15 hours per week to the position though this number could be far more (sometimes less) depending on the week
Must be organized, active, and have strong leadership and team-building skills
Must be extremely knowledgeable about our Bylaws, the Membership Manual, the administrative structure, and how our Community operates
**Please do not apply if you are a Novice, Recruit, Accepted or Soldier! This position has access to the Hall of the Tower. As you could potentially be put up in the Hall during your term, this disqualifies you from this position! Also, Citizens who apply should not plan on applying to the Tower until their term as Mayor is up.**
If you would like to apply for this position, please send an email with the subject line: APPLICATION - MAYOR - YOURNAMEHERE explaining why you think you would be a good fit for the position along with any special skills you have to, and
Applications are due by November 7, 2024.