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  1. Ariadne Davion

    Official Avatar and Name Change Thread

    About time! Suits you so well!!
  2. Ariadne Davion

    Welcome to the Ring, Blythe!

  3. Ariadne Davion

    Welcome to the Ring, Veriendha!

  4. Ariadne Davion

    Welcome to the Ring, Veluene!

    Congratulations Mentee! :D You are on to bigger and brighter things! <3
  5. Ariadne Davion

    Congratulations, Soldier Chiema!

    Yay!! Congrats Chiema!!!! <3
  6. Ariadne Davion

    Veriendha al'Riaha - You have been summoned!

    Welcome Veriendha!!! :joy
  7. Ariadne Davion

    Official Avatar and Name Change Thread

    Gorgeous Elania!!
  8. Ariadne Davion

    Thank You Deoan!

    Thank you for all you have done, Deoan. <3
  9. Ariadne Davion

    Congratulations to Atane, Gaidin of VC!

  10. Ariadne Davion

    Announcing our new Director of Membership!

    Congratulations, Loraella! This feels like a very good choice. :)
  11. Ariadne Davion

    Yes! I will take one too!

    Yes! I will take one too!
  12. Ariadne Davion

    Announcing our new Director of Marketing!

    About .... time. I am so tickled this time you have the reigns. You are already making me proud!
  13. Ariadne Davion

    Insert Cringe Sentimental Title Here

    No?? You’re not a bear.
  14. Ariadne Davion

    Announcing the new Director of Events and Conferences!

    Amazing, and Congratulations Ahmyra!
  15. Ariadne Davion

    Announcing our next Shatayan!

    Woo hoo!!a Congratulations Caha!!!
  16. Ariadne Davion

    New Mayor

    Congratulations Arella!! And thank you Aintza for all you did!