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  1. A

    How will the LB go next time?

    Presumably, the DO can learn from his experiences. Next time around, assuming there IS a next time, why doesn't he just deny the Forsaken any of the TP? That way, saidin and saidar will have to be tainted while the Bore is closed and the world will likely be destroyed. Relying on a power the...
  2. A

    Repetition of the Last Battle

    Rand, supposedly, got all the memories of his past lives when he molded with Lews Therin. However, he was surprised to discover that killing the DO would be essentially Turning everyone to the Light and would remove all tangible progress. If he had experienced this battle with the DO before, he...
  3. A

    So ahhhh.... Moridin was right?

    I was a big fan of how the sealing of the Dark One in the Bore played out. Evil is necessary for people to be humans, the power of choice is what makes men men, yada yada yada, taking it away would make people puppets, blah blah blah... But Moridin is right. The Dark One CAN win. If he breaks...
  4. A

    Rand and the Bore

    This has been bugging me for a while. What, exactly, did Rand do a the Bore? What I'm thinking is he used his non-divided One Power to recreate the threads in the Pattern that had been destroyed in the original drilling, but I would appreciate expert input. :)