I guess that makes the Age that puts people as "too old" at 18 to 20?
I think Nyneave is in her mid 20s? (she was old enough to have babysat Rand IIRC)
That is one part of the book I could see cutting in the show.
Do Play for your supper and 4 Kings..then skip to them arriving in Camelyn.
Honestly, because it needed to happen. Fain was going to end up in Shadar Logath because he was tracking the boys, so Fain was going to fuse with Mordeth...
Given that it is intended as a trap, I would presume one of the Aes Sedai present at the meeting that is seen in the Bloodline History was secretly a Dark Friend, and Moridin directly states it is a Sa'angreal for the True Power when he picks it up and makes it glow red, At this point I think it...
Oh didn't know that, well regardless I think that Lews Therin's titles had more to do with his position as "The boss" in the Age of Legends since we have enough similarities to Third Age things to draw a line.
"The Hall of the Servants" = The Hall of the Tower and the like.
If I had to guess the Tamirlyn was the precursor to the Amyrlin Seat and Their ring was a Tar'angreal of some sort. Sort of like the Rods of Dominion (Oath Rods)
I would say Rand lighting his pipe is just a matter of him having a very intimate Knowledge of the pattern and how it is created.
Remember when he fixes the bore properly he isn't weaving The Five Powers, or Saidar and Saideen individually he is weaving them "In a new way."
Well the Chodean Kal are the most powerful Sa'angreal Created IIRC, and He may have used Callandor..I just don't think he did because it has flaws.
My Guess on the battle was Lews Therin crafting the 7 seals using Disks as focuses while the companions and whatever Mundane forces existed held...
Because they live in a backwoods culture whose main set of news comes from second hand sources and Aes Sedai have Major PR issues even in the places where they are known so two rivers folks have been getting information on Aes Sedai from people who have not had the best of interactions in the...
Re : Rats
Remember Ishamel is in the world of dreams, and things that happen to living beings in the world of dreams can affect the real world. Likely he pulled a bunch of rats into the World of Dreams by force and snapped them that way.
I mean that is part of the point of having the books from The Boys POV. We aren't supposed to know if Moraine is Trustworthy until Book 4 when she makes her Oath to Rand.
Nyneave's uses all five, "Traditional" healing uses Air, Water and Spirit IIRC. It is one of the few weaves they actually comment on like that..the other being Lightning which is Fire + Air.
It could be true, but we never see an actual example of it.
Egwene is remarked as "Strong in Earth" but we never really see her do anything that outstanding with it, IIRC the most impressive "Earth" based thing she did was make a Lightning Rod. Is that really Strength in Earth or does Egwene...
I got accused of not actually reading the books by someone on another forum because I used the fact that Aes Sedai don't nearly know as much as they think they do as part of the reason I think the whole
"Women are Strong in Wind and Water, and Men are Strong in Earth and Fire"
Thing is...