Thank you Raina Sedai! While I did see California Condors at the San Diego Zoo, I've actually seen them in the wild at Pinnacles National Park and the Big Sur Coastline/Pacific Coast Highway!
I love Kelvin-Helmholtz clouds! I saw the cutest K-H cloud the other day just floating along by itself while going to work! What you're doing with the in-situ data on comets sounds incredibly cool. I'm a bit tempted to look at some papers about comets and solar wind interactions now!
My studies...
That's a specific example, but yes! I actually looked at Europa's geology during my coursework and the impact of tidal forces on it's interior to make a theoretical connection between geothermal vents on Earth and on Europa (theoretical, though) in the context of life's origin!
More broadly...
No apology necessary. I myself had to hold back on starting to go on a tangent about past significant climate change events and their connection and impact on species diversity and evolutionary biology!
Perhaps my favorite thing to look at has been meteorology-related earth-observational data...
Plasma physics is such a cool field!! Did you look at space weather or the plasma from atmospheric re-entry? My research recently has been more on the remote sensing side of things, but I've done research previously in optical communications!
My current storm obsession is with Atmospheric...
I am a huge magpie fan! I have fond memories of them when I visited Alaska in 2017 and when I first was moving out to California (I drove from New Jersey over two weeks!). I think they're some of the coolest birds out there, especially because they're so clever and smart!
Delara Sedai, speaking...
yep! I enjoyed them that much!!
Thank you Dar'Jen Gaidin!
Thank you Elleria! Without question New Spring, but Winter's Heart and The Gathering Storm are close seconds. I hope you enjoy WH and the subsequent books!
Thank you Aylward! I'll have to check it out!
For TTRPG's, I am exceptionally...
Thank you for your warm welcome, Delara Sedai. I'm a bit passionate on the topic of ornithology, and as a result, I have several favorite birds depending on which continent/region you're looking at, most for completely different reasons:
Africa: Secretarybird^ - unique look and behavior...
Thank you Arinna Sedai, Arella Sedai, and Roheryn Sedai for your warm welcomes! I do R&D in physics, with a particular focus on optics and optical phenomena.
I first got into meteorology when I was four years old and got caught in a hailstorm in New Jersey. After a bunch of months fearing...
Nice to meet y'all! I'm Iamara, and I'm a research scientist in California. Some facts about me:
I've been into Wheel of Time since I picked up Eye of the World last June (and maybe kinda definitely binged the rest of the series + New Spring). I have seen the show on Prime, though I have mixed...