Elaida wanted to throw Rand in jail in book 1. She had no proof that he had done anything wrong but he made her suspicious. Queen Morgase had to step in and stop the Aes Sedai. Elayne and Gawyn tried to help Rand but Elaida wouldn't listen. Elaida was a jerk in book 1 long before Fain came into...
Newbie here! What order should I read them in?
I know I need to read each series in order but which series do I start with? Inheritance or Broken Earth?
I just finished reading Oswald: Return of the King by Edoardo Albert. It takes place in Dark Age Britain. I really wanted to read more about the time period because I loved the Saxon Books by Bernard Cornwell. I really wanted to enjoy these books too but they just weren't the same.
Any Bernard...
The Seanchan wanted every each nation to swear the new oath. The world followed Artur Hawkwing and now honor demands that they must bow to the descendance of Hawking's son, Luthair.
Oaths are very important to the Seanchan!
Tanchico just became one colony of many new settlements.
The Aiel also...
I'm rereading the Great Hunt and seeing all kinds of foreshadowing about Verrin.
I've done rereads before but it seems more and more obvious each time for both Verrin and Sheriam(sorry about spelling).
I read the young Jedi books in grade school. My parents were Star Wars fans so they agreed to buy them at the Scholastic book fair (it was the 90s). I think that they are planning on reading them when I finished. I remember enjoying the books in grade school but I reread them after helping Mom...
I thought Red Sister would be nothing but blood and gore but it had a real plot. It was like getting on the wrong train - you're drawn in but can't see the destination ahead. It's daunting but exciting too.
I don't really judge the price for quality. I look at the size. If your book is over a thousand pages I don't mind paying over $20 for it. I won't pay $5 for a book that is less than 100 pages though...