Search results

  1. Mystica Ari'Yena

    Welcome, New Forum Moderators!

    Good Luck! :drunk:
  2. Mystica Ari'Yena

    Resignation of the Cordamora

    :hug3 You did a more than decent job in a more than shizzy situation. Now go take care of you, that will be time much better spent than trying to please the unpleasable.
  3. Mystica Ari'Yena

    Welcome Yenie, Elanda, and Karassa to Board of Directors

    are you out of your blooming minds???? You put Yenie on the board? You wanna wake up some day and have the entire site in bright pink??? :tacklehuggle: Elanda & Karassa! Congrats you two.
  4. Mystica Ari'Yena

    Congrats Gray, Green & Red

    oh, I'm bonded now? After only 18 years? To the GrayToNes! YAY!! :joy: And the Re.... um.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...... oh this is too good!!! Ah Karma sometimes I could just eat you! Still? You joined Yesterday! Have some patience pup! :laugh: In about 14 years you might...
  5. Mystica Ari'Yena

    Congrat, Dovienya and Alcyon!

    congrats you two!
  6. Mystica Ari'Yena

    It's been far too long!

    we were novices or accepteds together, I think... welcome back :hug don't you dare Sedai me... that would be weird. LOL
  7. Mystica Ari'Yena

    Willow al'Meana, you have been summoned!

    I was confused... lol welcome back! :tacklehuggle:
  8. Mystica Ari'Yena

    Introducing our new Head Moderator!

    congratulations Leira!
  9. Mystica Ari'Yena

    Random questions about stuff on here

    Thanks! I had seen that Siera account, but couldn't match it to the name here so thought it was someone else. lol <= old...
  10. Mystica Ari'Yena

    Random questions about stuff on here

    oh thank you so much Siera! <3 stupid question incoming.... how do I find you on Discord? lol I can't seem to do a name search there
  11. Mystica Ari'Yena

    Random questions about stuff on here

    Yeah, I didn't have this one on for more than an hour before it did this. i used to have an image holding account somewhere but it's been so many years, I don't even remember what it was called lol
  12. Mystica Ari'Yena

    Random questions about stuff on here

    There may be a thread to put this in but I can't find it, so hopefully this is ok. I've noticed how my siggies no longer show up while I can see everyone else's just fine, so it's not a setting or something. I thought first that perhaps it was because the link to my previous siggy got pulled...
  13. Mystica Ari'Yena

    Congrats to Katherine and Alenya!

    woah, congrats you two :)
  14. Mystica Ari'Yena

    Who wants a EUROPARTY?!?!? Bids Open.

    I won't be able to organise this after all. I'm unexpectedly suddenly moving to a new place (first time moving in 32 years, so nervous as hell) the coming months so need to spend my time organising that first. I came across a 'too good to let go' appartment so I had to act or regret it later.
  15. Mystica Ari'Yena

    Who wants a EUROPARTY?!?!? Bids Open.

    ok, I'll see if I can make a bid for Mid July then (start of the Ghent Festival = 19-21 July). I may take till after the weekend, I have a guest coming from the UK next week and I need to clean up my pigsty... :laugh: I work at the university, and Aug/Sept is the period of the Exam re-takes...
  16. Mystica Ari'Yena

    Who wants a EUROPARTY?!?!? Bids Open.

    so September/early October, I take it then. yeah, that's not a good period for me I'm sorry.