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  1. Analiese Sinclaer

    Bi-weekly Tower Game Nights on Discord!

    Sorry I missed it, I hope everyone had a good time!
  2. Analiese Sinclaer


    Honestly, I've been reading these books since 1997, and I have always struggled with the first handful of chapters in TGH, no matter how often I read the books. It's not that its boring or not engaging, but the pace just seems to drag for those first chapters, because a lot of it is set up, and...
  3. Analiese Sinclaer

    Season 1 Episode 18: The Gaidin Take Over

    The link to the transcript says "Page not found. Sorry, unable to open the file at this time. Please check the address and try again."
  4. Analiese Sinclaer

    Every Other Thursday Movie Nights!

    Nifty, and you don't have to use the title for me, I just like to address the newly Sworn with Sedai or Gaidin because it made me excited and happy when people did it to me.
  5. Analiese Sinclaer

    Every Other Thursday Movie Nights!

    Is there going to be a movie night this week, @Phen al'Rohan Sedai?
  6. Analiese Sinclaer

    Congrats, Zaknafien, Green Sedai!

    Yay, congrats to you and Green!!
  7. Analiese Sinclaer

    Congrats, Lealenya Gray Sedai!

    Yay!! I'm so happy for you!!!
  8. Analiese Sinclaer

    Congratulations, Phen al'Rohan Sedai of the Green Ajah!

    Congratulations to you and Green!!
  9. Analiese Sinclaer

    Congrats to Dorian and Dianna!

    Yay!! Congratulations guys!!
  10. Analiese Sinclaer

    Congratulations, Dorian Har'Locke Gaidin of MDD!

    Congrats Dorian Gaidin!!
  11. Analiese Sinclaer

    Congrat, Dovienya and Alcyon!

    Yay, congrats guys!!
  12. Analiese Sinclaer

    Congratulations Elanda Gaidin!

    Welcome home!!
  13. Analiese Sinclaer

    Wheel of Time Trivia - Ummm, Actually 4/28/24

    This sounds great, which chat channel?
  14. Analiese Sinclaer

    Hi, I'm Bryce!

    The photos are on discord without the frame, that is being handled, but not by me, then they will be posted in the thread that is already up
  15. Analiese Sinclaer

    Hi, I'm Bryce!

    Welcome Bryce! I was the one running around with Dorian on Friday trying to get the photoshoot organized.
  16. Analiese Sinclaer

    Why hello there!

    Welcome back!
  17. Analiese Sinclaer

    Apr 24 Merits

    Thank you! That's really cool!