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  1. Elania al'Manir

    December 7, 2024, Stormlight Book 5 worldwide release date. Just fyi.

    On the one hand, a giant house/castle/building/whatever does sound a little odd. On the other hand, has no one else dreamt of building a "White Tower" style building that would act as a resort? Just me? :look:
  2. Elania al'Manir

    Profile Privacy > Missing Avatars

    What are your motivations for arguing here? Is it actually bothering you that some people have letters as their avatars, or is this a spill-over of the conversations and divisions that are happening elsewhere? Because technically, they do have avatars. Here's Morgana's, for example: (Sorry...
  3. Elania al'Manir

    Profile Privacy > Missing Avatars

    On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, we typically allow people to temporarily change their avatar for special events, pranks, etc. For example, yourself and several others are all using the same sheep avatar, which doesn't meet the guidelines in the Membership Manual in two ways (not...
  4. Elania al'Manir

    Profile Privacy > Missing Avatars

    Ah, I see. In that case, I guess maybe this does belong more in CF? Because it's still very confusing to me for people to not have avatars, regardless of the cause. If it's a temporary thing I can deal with it (like I normally do during free weeks when most avatars are different), but I stand...
  5. Elania al'Manir

    Profile Privacy > Missing Avatars

    Hi y'all, long time no see! I noticed some people have generated avatars with the first letter of their username instead of their normal ones. Thank you to an anonymous "M" user for the screenshot: Digging into this, I realized that when I try to view the users' profiles, it says I don't have...
  6. Elania al'Manir

    Congratulations, Brandon Gaidin!

  7. Elania al'Manir

    Board of Directors Chairperson for 2023

    Thank you both for being willing to serve!
  8. Elania al'Manir

    Congrats to Dovienya and Alexr!

    Congratulations to both of you!
  9. Elania al'Manir

    2023 Officer Awards -- CONGRATULATIONS RECIPIENTS!!

    Congratulations, everyone!
  10. Elania al'Manir

    Congratulations Veriendha Sedai

  11. Elania al'Manir

    Congrats to Polegnyn and Alexr!

    Congratulations! :D
  12. Elania al'Manir

    Congrats, Alexr, Gaidin of MDD!

    Congratulations! :D
  13. Elania al'Manir

    Tentative Agenda for our April 29, 2023 Executive Meeting

    What is "2022 AR Update"? I'm sure I'll slap my forehead once someone spells it out, but my brain's not there this morning. :laugh:
  14. Elania al'Manir

    Head of Red

  15. Elania al'Manir

    Tress of the Emerald Sea

    Yeah I think it's great how they're pivoting with the next books. Getting a second manufacturer to help with book #2 and starting on book #3 earlier than planned.
  16. Elania al'Manir

    Hello hello!

    Welcome to TarValon.Net! I hope to see you over in the Discussion Halls to learn about your various interests.