Search results

  1. Elleria Sevrinde

    Congrats Lok and Alor!

    Yay! Congrats both!
  2. Elleria Sevrinde

    FYI - Amyrlin on LoA

    Hope you feel better soon! :hug
  3. Elleria Sevrinde

    Hello world :D

    Welcome, Wooly!
  4. Elleria Sevrinde

    Congrats to our new Mayor!

  5. Elleria Sevrinde

    Congrats, Seryse and Jaryd!

  6. Elleria Sevrinde

    New Hall (October '24 - March '25)

    Thank you all for serving!
  7. Elleria Sevrinde

    Welcome, New Forum Moderators!

    Thank you all for serving!
  8. Elleria Sevrinde

    Resignation of the Cordamora

    Thank you for your service, Tree! You're very much appreciated!
  9. Elleria Sevrinde

    Welcome Yenie, Elanda, and Karassa to Board of Directors

    Congratulations!! Thank you for your service!!
  10. Elleria Sevrinde

    Congrats to our new Head of Red!

    Congrats Cinna!!
  11. Elleria Sevrinde

    Merit Oct 2024

    Congratulations everyone!
  12. Elleria Sevrinde

    Congratulations Accepted Ranyor!

    Congratulations, Ranyor!!
  13. Elleria Sevrinde

    Members Choice Award Winners!

    Congrats everyone!!
  14. Elleria Sevrinde

    Amyrlin Award Winners

    Congrats to all the winners! Y'all are amazing
  15. Elleria Sevrinde

    Congrats to our new Marketing Project Manager!

    Congratulations Ilverin!!! Looking forward to working with you :joy:
  16. Elleria Sevrinde

    Why hello there!

    Welcome back and nice to meet you!
  17. Elleria Sevrinde

    Alright, who dragged me back??

    Welcome back, nice to meet you!
  18. Elleria Sevrinde


    Welcome to Tar Valon, Zenythmon!! You've got suuuuch great stuff ahead of you! Enjoy your read-through :joy: